
How To Unstick Photos From Glass

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Do you have a favorite photograph that tin can't be removed from its frame because it is stuck to the glass?

Unfortunately, this happens more oft than y'all might think.

While printed photographs may last a long fourth dimension, they weren't designed to last a lifetime.

Sunlight and chemicals cause photos to fade over time. Agglutinative tape causes discoloration, paper clips can add ugly rust, and don't get me started on those sticky photo albums.

And then there's the damage caused by moisture and oestrus.

Information technology'south a wonder that our precious family photographs survive at all.

Three Mistakes That Ruined My Heirloom Photo

Way dorsum in 1985, a local lensman asked me to practice a sitting. He was looking to hone his skills past photographing someone holding a violin, and since he had washed some photos for me previously, he already knew that I was a violinist.

As my payment for the sitting, I was given a beautiful 8" x 10" professional person print of the photographer's favorite image from the sitting (the framed photo to a higher place).

This was my only copy, and equally far as I know, the just copy he ever printed.

I was young and bankrupt, and I put the photo in a inexpensive frame that I picked up at a discount shop to show it off. There was no mat in the frame.

That was mistake number 1.

I left the photo in the cheap unmatted frame for about 30 years. It was displayed on a table that was occasionally sprayed with furniture smooth and cleaners for a while. After that, it was left in a dusty pile under the bed.

That was error number ii.

Eventually, I found the photo under the bed and decided information technology was time to remove information technology from the cheap frame that had held it for decades and put it into an archival album or sleeve to preserve it.

The photo did non desire to cooperate, and it held tight to the glass. Determined to set information technology gratis, I pulled and pulled on the photo until I heard a ripping sound.

That was mistake number 3, and past far, the worst.

So now, my one-of-a-kind photo was not but nevertheless stuck to the glass, but it was also ripped.

A photograph that is stuck to glass with moisture damage and tearing noted.

How a Photo Gets Stuck to the Glass

The most common culprit that causes a photo to stick to glass is moisture and humidity.

Add a bit of heat, and y'all've got a recipe for photograph disaster.

Professionally printed photographs (non those that are printed on your light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation or ink-jet printer at home) are covered in an emulsion coating. When that coating becomes moist, whether from humidity, h2o damage, or cleaners seeping into the frame, it turns into a sticky, gum-similar substance.

This can happen quickly, for instance, when a photo is submerged during a overflowing.

Or information technology tin happen over a menstruum of years, from sitting in a boiling surround or from being left in directly sunlight.

In my case, information technology was a long process, exacerbated by living in a boiling environment and being careless with cleaning products. And I'yard sure there was a bit of oestrus and sunlight thrown in the mix as well.

Preclude Your Photos From Sticking in the First Place

When selecting a frame for your photo, don't inexpensive out equally I did. Use a high-quality frame that can protect your photo from light and wet impairment. For heirloom photos, use a frame with Museum Glass®, which eliminates reflections and blocks up to 99% of UV rays.

Make sure there's a space between the photograph and the glass by using an archival-quality mat board. A custom framing company should be able to provide you with a decent mat. Or y'all can buy one from an archival storage company.

Besides, take care when cleaning around your photo. Never spray cleaning products directly on the frame or the nasty stuff may seep in and damage your photo. Spray the cleaner onto a rag and so carefully wipe effectually the frame.

Go along your photos – especially precious heirloom photos – out of humid areas similar bathrooms. Great Grandma Bess doesn't need to sentinel while you shower.

Methods to Remove a Photo That is Stuck to Glass

At that place are several different ways to gear up a photo that is stuck to drinking glass.

I did quite a scrap of inquiry before deciding what to do with my photo, and here's what I found.

Safest Method

If your photo is a 1-of-a-kind heirloom, don't take a chance on any DIY methods. Take or mail it to a photograph lab and have it removed past a professional who is skilled in the procedure.

Although I probably should have selected this method, I ultimately decided confronting it. The photo was already damaged, so I couldn't justify the expense.

Safe Method

Scan your photo and print a re-create.

Afterward, archive your original photo equally-is, drinking glass and all.

Unfortunately, when I scanned my photograph, at that place was and then much glare on the drinking glass that the scans were unusable.

I was able to produce a reasonably good image past taking a picture show at an bending with my iPhone to reduce the glare and so adjusting the perspective in Photoshop. However, I thought the color was likewise washed out, and I wasn't satisfied with the final product.

Other Methods (Which May or May Not Be Safe)

Earlier you attempt any DIY method of unsticking your photograph from glass, be sure to either scan or have a moving-picture show of your photo and so you have a backup.

I have not tried either of the kickoff two methods, so I cannot personally recommend them.

The Pilus Dryer

With your hairdryer on its everyman estrus setting (non cold), accident warm air across the back of the impress. Go along the dryer nearly 4–5 inches from the photo. Slowly and gently pull back a tiny corner of the unstuck photo. Go on the procedure until the entire photo is free from the drinking glass.

The Freezer

Wrap the photo and glass in thick paper and place in the freezer for about an hour. Carefully remove the photo and glass package from the freezer, open the paper, and gently pull upwardly the corner of the photo. If the photo and glass don't hands separate, try inserting a credit card between them to gently pry them apart. Annotation: The drinking glass may interruption during freezing, so be sure to vesture safety gloves or protective manus gear before handling the frozen photo.

Soaking in H2o

The method I used to remove my photo that was stuck to glass was to submerge it in h2o. I'll walk you through the process below.

How to Remove a Photo Stuck to Drinking glass By Soaking in Water


  • Warning #ane: This method is Only for photographs that take been professionally printed. Exercise NOT try this method with photos you have printed on your laser or inkjet printer because water will make the ink run.
  • Warning #2: There is no guarantee of condom with whatever DIY method of unsticking a photograph from the glass. Be sure to scan or take a photo of your stuck photograph earlier you begin. Please consider hiring a professional for those extra-special heirloom photographs.

Tools You Will Need

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Plastic Tub

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Clean Towels

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Tissue Paper
Photo-Editing Software

My photograph after being unstuck from glass using water.

Remove a photo that is stuck to drinking glass past soaking information technology in water.

This method can take a few hours upwardly to a few days, depending on how much of your photograph is stuck to the glass. Keep the photo submerged for the least corporeality of fourth dimension necessary, and be careful not to pull on it because you could crusade additional impairment.

Step 1 – Remove Photo From Frame

A photograph that is stuck to glass after it has been removed from the frame.

Gently remove the photograph and the drinking glass from the frame, trying not to cause whatsoever additional harm.

Step 2 – Soak

A photograph stuck to glass submerged in about 2 inches of water.

Place the photo, drinking glass side down, into a large plastic container. Fill the container with enough lukewarm h2o to cover the photo, plus a bit extra.

Exit the photograph submerged in water until information technology comes loose from the frame past itself. Bank check back in an hour, just keep in mind that this step can accept a few hours up to a few days, depending on how much of your photograph is stuck to the drinking glass. Continue the photo submerged for the least corporeality of fourth dimension possible, and be careful non to pull on it because you lot could cause additional damage.

Step 3 – Dry out

Wet photograph drying on a towel after soaking.

One time your photo is free from the drinking glass, lay information technology on a towel and gently pat off the excess moisture. Stand up the photo upwards for a few hours to let it go completely dry.

Step 4 – Flatten

photograph flattened by books

When the photo is dry out, lay it flat between a few sheets of clean, white tissue paper, and put something heavy on top to flatten the epitome. A few books should do the flim-flam.

Pace 5 – Scan and Repair (Optional)

When your photograph is stale and flattened, scan or accept a motion-picture show of your photo. Apply Photoshop, Vivid-Pix, or some other photo-editing software to set up the damage and impress a new photograph for framing. Archive the original photo to prevent further damage.

My Results

Overall, I was pleased with the results of the water-soaking method.

Afterward existence stuck for thirty+ years, the soaking procedure took about 36 hours before the photo was completely free from the drinking glass. I may have kept the photo submerged for a bit also long, merely the photo stubbornly refused to let go of the glass, and I was afraid of causing further damage by forcing information technology.

The ripped section of the photo curled up later drying. I contemplated gluing it downward, but I didn't want to cause additional damage to the epitome with an agglutinative. Instead, I used a pile of heavy books to flatten the photo and left it sitting for about a week (I forgot about it for a few days and so it may have been flattened before). The movie is slightly warped now, but I don't if that is from the water or from being in the frame. But the ripped section that was curled is now completely apartment.

My only disappointment was that the photographer's gold logo that had been stamped on the front of the photo came off in the water. Thankfully, the sticker with his studio proper name and copyright is nonetheless securely fastened on the back.

Would I apply this method once more to set a photo that was stuck to the drinking glass? Possibly. Information technology really depends on the photo. Yet, if it was an heirloom photo of an antecedent, I would definitely contact a professional.

Going forward, I recollect I'll just attempt to prevent any more photos from sticking to the glass!

not restored after restored after

Slide the arrows left and correct to see the formerly-stuck photograph before and after a quick touch-up with Photoshop.

Note: The before photograph really doesn't show the total extent of the moisture damage. This image is a better representation of what the photograph looked like earlier any restoration efforts. The photographer's logo that came off during soaking was Photoshopped onto the restored epitome.

Original print photograph copyright © Images by Dwayne, 1985, Laguna Hills, California.

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